Our Process
Working Better with Better Style For Better Quality
We will submit two copies of each drawings for approval, from which, one copy we require duly signed and approved by the authorize person.
We will submit the four prints of each drawing for construction.
After submitting the construction drawings, we are bound to give two revisions in each drawing.
For submission, we required minimum a week time for each drawings for a better quality of the drawing.
If there will be any requirement of extra print of further more revisions than stated above, it will be charged extra.
Please give all the details for preparing the drawings as much as you have. In later stage it is very difficult to make a change after designing the project in totality. It may be possible that due minor change, we will have to revised the basic design.
If there is any change in any basic designing of drawing, please inform and send revised print immediately to us to enable us for better output and better coordination at the site.